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The Causes Of Acne - Acne is one of the things that reduce a person's self confidence. Acne usually occurs on the face, although it can also arise in the back. Acne generally shaped bumps on the surface of the skin thus making the skin smooth face no more. Maybe this is a good reason to get rid of acne, even many people are willing to pay dearly for it.

The Causes Of Acne

Acne appears due to a blockage of the pores thus causing pus sac. Therefore we often find that acne yellowish and reddish. Adolescence is the most frequently encountered problems with acne. This is because in adolescence hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. There are several factors that causes acne, as follows :

1. Excess oil
Oil production are too many causes blockages in the pores of the skin so that if there are bacteria will cause acne. Excess oil is usually experienced during adolescence because of excess oil glands.

2. Acne bacteria
Acne bacteria is bacteria that likes to be in the skin pores which clogged due to oil buildup. This bacteria will multiply and cause irritation to the skin and the skin will usually swollen. That's why acne usually sore to the touch.

3. Dead skin cells
Dead skin cells also play a role in acne. This occurs when dead skin cells mix with excess oil and dirt, so it will form a blockage. Acne which caused by dead skin cells is not only happening in the face, but can also appear on the arms and back.

4. Stress
People who are in trouble usually vent their anger in the form of eating which lot and tend to be greasy. This is often done by people who are stressed. Therefore consumed too much fat will cause acne.

5. Cosmetics
Cosmetics can cause acne if it is mixed with cosmetic foundation, causing blockage of the pores and cause acne. So you should immediately clean the cosmetics as soon as possible so as not to clog the pores of the skin.

6. Mobile phone
Mobile phones are becoming one of the triggers of acne on the skin. It is caused by bacteria that attach to the phone and then affixed to the skin. Therefore, do not stick the phone in the skin directly because bacteria will stick and stay on your skin. Or, wipe phone from bacteria by using alcohol on a regular basis.

That's all the information we could present, may be useful to you all and thank you for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get the useful information for you all.