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Best Tips To Do Cardio - Do you want to have a muscular body? If so, then the cardio exercise is one of the appropriate tools to make it happen. Cardio is a sport that involves large muscle in the body, or it could be called a sport where the movement aims to boost heart rate and burn calories. Some examples of cardio such as running, brisk walking, cycling, futsal, basketball, swimming, aerobics, and other sports that stimulate the heart. This sport is able to stimulate the heart about 60% -85% of the normal state.

Cardio effective to burn calories in your body, so for you who want to streamline the body then cardio is most appropriate. Cardio can burn your body fat fast, cardio exertion and energy but oxygen that enters the body is also very much that is very good for your health. But in doing cardio you should pay attention to some important things you should do, in order to positively impact cardio, not a disaster for you.

Best Tips To Do Cardio

On this occasion we will share tips about important things when held the cardio. Here are a few things that you must consider when doing cardio :

1. Duration doing cardio
Doing cardio require adjustment of your body, so you should not necessarily do cardio without rules. For starters, enough with 10 minutes for each session, and the duration can be added if you are comfortable doing it. Generally, cardio for people who have been accustomed to do for 20-60 minutes for one session.

2. frequency of cardio
Cardio is a sport that drain a lot of energy and exhausting, so you should make a proper schedule to do so. In general, for beginners you enough to do cardio 3 times a week, and its frequency increases with time. But for you who have a severe obesity problem, can do cardio 5 times a week or even every day. Note that you must make sure your body is fit to do the cardio.

3. The food menu
Before doing cardio, you should avoid eating large because it would prohibit you from doing cardio, you might lose power, or even stomach pain. Simply by eat protein foods such as boiled eggs before doing cardio. Eat boiled eggs 30 minutes before doing cardio to get maximum results.

4. Warming up and cooling
Cardio is lot of activities that drain sweat so spending a lot of fluids in your body. So, when they want to do cardio you should do the heating / warming up in advance to avoid injury which very might happen. So also after doing cardio, you should do the cooling, which aims to relax your muscles which tight and tense to return slack / relaxed. Cooling is very useful to keep you from a heart attack that could happened after a strenuous one, because when you stop cardio then blood clot in a muscle. For that cooling do after cardio. If thirsty then drink water which is not cool and easy to neutralize body temperature.

5. Perform cardio varied
Cardio you can do in the room, for example, in the gym or fitness center. But you should occasionally try to do cardio in the outdoors with a different type of exercise than usual, such as cycling, running, rowing, and others. This will keep you out of boredom and monotony. It would be more fun if you do together with your friends.

Care your body with exercise because exercise can nourish your body. Health will not come freely without any effort of your own. Cardio is the right choice to keep your body fit.

That's all information from us, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations. 

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