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Healthy Tips On Eating Durian - Durian fruit is one of the most preferred by many people, because besides it also has a super delicious durian aroma and properties for health. The fruit that comes from Southeast Asia has a crisp texture and grooved bark like a thorn. However, many people who do not like durian as fragrant smell nan sting, but some are avoiding durian because of fear of high blood pressure (hypertension).

According to research, durian has a fairly high fat content so that it will raise the blood pressure. But if you eat durian is not too much you do not have to worry about it. In 100 g of coated seeds of durian contains 67 g of water, 28.3 g carbohydrate, 2.5 g fat, 2.5 g protein, 1.4 g fiber, as well as has an energy value of 520 kJ. Durian also contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C, as well as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.


Well for you who want to eat durian but afraid of the side effects, check out the following tips on healthy eating durian. Here are healthy tips on eating durian :

1. In choosing durian
Before you eat durian, you should choose a durian that is not too ripe, because durian which too ripe contains high cholesterol and makes you dizzy and hypertension. Choose a ripe durian but still green, because less cholesterol content.

2. Eating durian
In durian consumption, you should not overdo it because durian is quite high in fat. Excess eating durian will make your body temperature rise, due to increased blood pressure. If you eat durian, eat 3-5 seeds just enough so as not to cause high blood pressure and dizziness. Durian has a hot nature, so for you who are pregnant and people with diabetes should not eat durian.

3. After eating durian
After eating durian, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or soft drinks because it is very dangerous for you. Alcohol and soda containing gas and heat are, if mixed durian in the body then it will make your body temperature gets hotter and damage your organs. Durian is hot and can be intoxicating. This can lead to death.

4. Neutralize durian
Many people believe, if after eating durian mangosteen fruit should be eaten in order to neutralize body. Basically, durian is a hot fruit because it contains a high enough fat so that the body will feel hot after eating durian. While the mangosteen is a cold fruit, and can neutralize heat in the body.

5. Take advantage of sap durian
The trick is to pour water into the inner bark containing durian durian flesh was eaten. Steering late, drinking water earlier. Sap on the skin durian that had cleaved it has a substance called anti-dotum. This substance is useful to make the stay comfortable and eliminate stomach durian aroma.

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