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Benefits Of Banana For Body Health - Do you like eating banana? If so then you are not wrong with the fruit of your choice, because bananas contain various vitamins needed by the body and the benefits are great for your health. Banana is a fruit which is cheap, easy, and delicious taste so do not be surprised if a lot of people like the banana.

On previous occasions we have provided information about the nutritional content of banana, of which there are many nutrients that are needed by the body. Bananas are divided into several types, such as ambon banana, plantains, bananas kepok, trilili, and many other types of bananas. Of the many types of bananas, ambon and plantains  the most popular because it tastes good and looks great so it is quite filling.


Talk about what are the benefits of banana for health, on this occasion we will share information about it. The following are the health benefits of banana for the body :

1. Treating anemia
Anemia is a disease which causes the sufferer to limp and listless, because the number of red blood in the body under normal. Well if you have anemia, it is better you eat banana, because banana contain iron which can increase red blood cells in the body.

2. Help you lose weight
Eating a banana can also help you lose weight, because of the complex carbohydrates in bananas does not raise glucose levels drastically. Bananas are also low in fat so it is safe for your diet program. Banana fiber on weight loss as well as expedite the process of metabolism. But you have to remember is, do not be present in the form of banana: banana fritters, compote, or a banana milkshake.

3. Lowering high blood pressure
For those of you have hypertension or high blood pressure, should eat bananas because bananas contain potassium. Potassium is an important mineral which helps regulate heart function, blood pressure, and nerve and muscle activity. Potassium is regulating fluid and electrolyte balance, so that your blood pressure remains normal. The fiber content in banana bind the fat on blood vessels.

4. Aid digestion
Human digestion can be smoothly and can also disrupted, depending on diet and our food menu. Bananas are rich in fiber can help your digestion because banana contain vitamin B-6 which able to counteract diarrhea. Bananas have antacid properties as well as easy to digest, so it is either consumed by people with impaired gastric acid. According to various studies, showing that people which eat bananas regularly have gastric wall stronger than people which do not eat bananas.

5. Prevent heart attacks
Heart attack are often experienced due to various factors, one of which is the flow of oxygen to the heart is reduced due to narrowing of blood vessels due to accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. Potassium is a good tonic for the heart, and pectin fiber helps lower cholesterol. Vitamin C and flavonoids contained in bananas is an antioxidant, which can prevent the oxidation of fat. Oxidation of fat can lead to heart attacks.

6. Improving immune / immunity
The immune each person is different, because it is related to the antibodies in the body. Well to boost your immune system from various infections and viruses, you can eat bananas because bananas contain vitamins A, B6, and C which very good to help boost your immune system.

Bananas should you eat each day, but in reasonable quantities only, just 1 or 2 pieces per day. Bananas can taken before or after meals. To maintain the durability and freshness, store in refrigerator.

That's all information from us, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations. 

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You better read this article too : Banana And Its Nutrients Content.