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Secrets Of The Genius Brain - Brain is a major component of the human in thinking, more genius brain of a person, the better the results of his mind. Did you know that the brain is a genius is not the result of heredity (genetics), but rather is the result of hard work. Do you know who Bill Gates? He is the owner of microsoft a rich and popular as well as one of the most genius person in the world. Then how could he become genius? Whether he was born of the seed of genius anyway? The answer is, No! Bill Gates become a genius because he wanted to try and work hard to understand and master what he was interested. If a lot of people say that genius is innate factors, then Bill Gates and the genius said that genius is the result of hard work.

Secrets Of The Genius Brain

The strength of will encourage you to master your field of interest, because it is basically a genius is a person who controlled what become his field. So each field must have people who are geniuses, even though the amount is very small. According to reliable data, the number of geniuses only 2% of the number of people drawn from population in the world. Geniuses will always strive to become genius in the field of interest. The trick is the willingness and hard work that never stops. Well, for those of you who want to have a genius brain, not just a dream but a dream go for it. On this occasion Galakasa will provide information to you about Secrets Of The Genius Brain. Check these out : 

1. The belief that you can
If you try to do something new and have failed several times, and then you say "it looks like i was not able to." It is not because you are not capable, but because you are not confident in yourself. Distrust of the ability of self that are then addressed by the brain and customize it with confidence. This means that the brain will work better if you have confidence in your abilities. Failed it for sure, but it's hard work and willingness mandatory. Believe in your ability to respond so that the brain also.

2. Consumption good nutrition foods
The brain has special foods that you should suffice, but even if you want to have a genius brain. Basically eat in the right portions and regularly will help keep your brain sharper and can improve your brain genius of. So it is advisable to eat in moderation and on a regular schedule. Equally important is the nutritional content of the food you consume. Eat foods that contain nutrients that are good for brain development, omega 3 for example. Omega 3 has the function to maintain brain function and improve the sharpness of the brain. Omega 3 is a fatty acid that can not be produced by the independent body, it means that you have to look for the omega-3 fatty acids from certain foods. Salmon has a high content of omega 3, omega 3 than it is also found in nuts and seeds, although not as much as its content is in salmon.

3. Sufficient sleep
In a scientific study become prove that our brains are very active during sleep, and in a certain period when the brain becomes very active when we sleep, our brain will become more active in perceiving the things that we learned before we sleep. This is why sleep is good for brain development and capabilities, especially in terms of memory. When the sleeping human brain is actively trying to cognitively process data logically about what things they were doing and integrate it with things that already exist in the brain's memory. So get used to learning before sleep, or sleep after learning. So how much sleep is good for brain development? Sleep is good for brain development is during the 6-8 hours of sleep in one night. If you sleep less than 6-8 hours, and more than that, then it will weaken your brain. Then start sleeping regularly and with the right duration, it will be very positive influence on what you learn.

4. Maintaining physical fitness
Mensana in corpresano, in a healthy body there is a healthy soul. That's the phrase that describes the importance of physical fitness for your brain development. If the condition of your body in shape, then your brain will be sharper, and vice versa. To get a fit body, you can undergo a fitness exercise routinely, such as jogging and cycling every morning. Much physical activity will improve your brain thinking.

5. Meditate
Meditation done to relax the mind and train the human concentration. It is the basis for you to try to do meditation so your brain's ability become more sharp and improve concentration. Concentrated and calm the brain will be able to work more quickly and accurately.

6. Play
Play essentially no effect bad for your brain, as long as the game is able to improve the ability of the brain and not too long. Precisely such a positive game can help you have a genius brain. See Albert Einstein and Bill Gates, they both always make time to play. The game is good for brain development as a strategy or puzzle game, as the game strategy is able to train your brain to work quickly and accurately. However, playing in a long duration is not good for your brain. The ideal long play time is 1 hour in a day.

7. Study hard
However learning is the main requirement to be a genius. Learning is to understand the activity of one or several areas of science and increase our potential. Learning something new will be better for the development of your brain, because the brain will record something new that will increase the area of ​​your insight. The more knowledge one has, the more the person is a genius. Do not let your lazy to learn if you want to become genius.

Once again, you will not have a genius as long as you do not want to try hard and have a high willingness. Try and keep on trying is the key of success. Thus a little bit information from Galakasa, may be useful to you all and thank you for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa in order get useful health information.