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Benefits and Adverse of Coffee

For most people in the world coffee is an important thing in our day, not only in the morning but also in the afternoon. Yes, coffee with a distinctive aroma and flavor become energy and moodbooster for us.


Here are 4 best reasons from most reasons that’s why you must consume a coffee:
1. Coffee can Relieve the Headache 
According to Seymour Diamond, M.D, from Chicago’s Diamond Headache Clinic, caffeine in a cup of coffee can help headache relieve. People with headache or migraine proven to be cured by drinking a cup of black coffee. 
2. Prevent Cavities
Consuming a cup of coffee is one of the best way to prevent cavities. According to Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Trigonelline in coffee has antibacterial that can keep the oral cavity of  bacterial attack such as Streptocuccus mutans, which can form plaque on our teeth. 
3. Lower Risk of Deppression
Substance caffeine in coffee works very well as a stimulant in the body. It can stimulate our senses and increase metabolic rate. To improve the ability to concentration, mood swings and overcome depression. According to The Nurses' Health Study, for a women who drank 2 cups of coffee a day had 15 % less risk of depression. 
4. Help Improve the People Short-term Memory
People who drank 1-2 cups coffee everyday can have a better short-term memory compared people who never drank a coffee, because antioxidants of caffeine coffee reduces risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's because of performance that can improve the function of neurotransmitters. For information, Alzheimer is a condition which nerve cells in the brain die, making it difficult brain signals transmitted properly. A person with Alzheimer's disease has problems with memory, judgment, and thinking, which makes it difficult for people with Alzheimer's disease to work. While Parkinson is degenerative disorder of the central nervous system which results in impaired motor system and is usually patients have tremors, muscle rigidity, difficulty walking, impaired balance and slow the movement.

Benefits and Adverse of Coffee

Although it has many benefits, but coffee also have adverse effects for some people who consume.
1. Risk For Pregnant Women and her Fetus
For pregnant women, too much consume coffee can cause a fatal problem, such as fetus miscarriage. Caffeine is inhibitor of folic acid and zinc’s absorption, which folic acid and zinc very needed for fetal growth. In addition, coffee also make the baby born to be weak, slow growth, prone to infection, and risk of death twice if compared women who never drank a coffee. 
2. Maag
Too much consuming coffee may cause increase gastric acid. For some people who are sensitive to caffeine, just consume a little of coffee  can trigger the symptoms of gastric acid.   
3. Osteoporosis
Caffeine also inhibit calsium’s absorption in our body. Calsium is needed to form our bone and teeth. In long time, if our body does not absorbed calcium can cause breaking our bones and teeth. 
For safety, we should consuming caffeine maximum 300 mg per day. And for pregnant women may to decrease or skip consume the caffeine.
Benefits and Adverse of Coffee