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Benefits Of Tomato For Body Health - Tomatoes has scientific name Licopersicum esculentum, and a native fruit of Central America and South America. Tomatoes often encountered in a variety of dishes as well as in the form of juice. Tomato fruit is classified as a close family with potatoes, it's just red when ripe. Tomato is a fruit that has a type of vitamin that quite a lot of so very good for the health of your body.

Benefits Of Tomato For Body Health

Do you know what vitamins contained in tomatoes? Based on the research, ripe tomatoes has a variety vitamins as follows:

a. Calcium = 5 mg
b. Vitamin A = 1500 SI
c. + Calories 20 cal
d. Vitamin C = 40 mg
e. Protein = 1.0 g
f. Fat = 0.3 mg
g. Carbohydrate = 4.2 g

Based on the content of nutrients in it, then the tomato fruit is best eaten on a daily basis because it will help maintain your health. So do not be surprised if most people like to eat tomatoes in the dish diverse. Here are some health benefits of tomatoes for the human body :

1. Keeping your eyes healthy
Ripe tomatoes contain vitamin A 1500 SI. That means that tomatoes are very good for your eye health. Eyes need vitamin A to form a system of good vision, this vitamin helps convert the signal molecules of light received by the retina to be a projection image in our brains. If you are deficient in vitamin A eye then you become unhealthy, such as impaired vision, and etc.

2. Prevent blood clots
Did you know that one of the causes of stroke and heart disease are due to blood clots. Blood clots will clog the blood to flow through your body all the members, so if that happens then the organs in the body will lose its blood supply. The organ most susceptible to blood clots is the heart. In tomato fruit there is seeds, and there the yellowish gel outside the seeds. Well, that's a substance that prevents blood clotting in the body.

3. Antioxidants
Good immune system will keep you from various diseases / viruses that get into your body. To get the immunity, you are advised to consume foods that contain antioxidants, one of them is tomatoes. In tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a kind of antioxidant that serves to destroy free radicals in the body caused by cigarette smoke, air pollution, and other harmful substances that enter the body. Not only that, apparently lycopene also play an active role in preventing cell damage that can lead to prostate cancer, gastric cancer, colon, throat, and cervical cancer.

4. Anti-inflammation
Inflammation is one of the main response of the immune system against infection and irritation. Inflammation can cause a variety of chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and wounds and acne. Tomato is anti-inflammatory foods so if you have problems with injuries and acne, then you should eat tomatoes every day.

5. Prevent hemorrhoids and constipation
Why tomatoes can prevent hemorrhoids and constipation? The answer is because tomatoes are rich in fiber, so as to cope with your indigestion. If digestion working properly then you will not have hemorrhoids and constipation.

6. Helps reduce fever
Tomato can reduce a fever? Yes, the tomatoes can help reduce a fever because it contains antiperitik. Antiperitik are substances that can suppress the body temperature in febrile conditions.

7. Increase the amount of sperm production
For men who want to have more sperm, try to consume tomato. Tomato contain lycopene, which may help increase sperm count, in the French tomato fruit known as "pomme d'amour" or love apples.

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