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Foods To Prevent Dementia - Among you, who is suffering from dementia disease? If you are young / middle-aged, probably only a small percentage who experience it. Yes, dementia is mostly experienced by people who have elderly (seniors) because the older a person the more it will decrease also the capacity to think. But you can be contagious dementia at a young age / age because of several factors that we have stated in previous discussions.

Foods To Prevent Dementia

Dementia will make your work become messed up and certainly have a negative impact on your career. Work piling will become increasingly messed up if you forget what you are doing. For example, you should do the work today, but because you forgot that you have not done the job. Other than work, dementia will also interfere with other matters such as family affairs. For you who do not want to become dementia so Prevent by consuming foods that are good for your brain. Here is some foods preventing dementia :

1. Fish
Fish is one of the foods that can prevent dementia disease because fish contain nutrients that are good for the brain, the omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is very good for the development of neural function and baby vision, so that development of brain become well . Relation to dementia, omega 3 can reverse changes in the brain caused by a gene that increases the risk of dementia. By consuming fish rich in omega 3 so your risk of contracting dementia will decrease. The fish rich in omega-3 is salmon.
Besides omega 3, fish also have other nutrients that are very good for your health. Among the fish content is as follows :

a. Vitamin A to prevent blindness in children
b. Vitamin D for bone growth and strength
c. Vitamin B6 to help the metabolism of amino acids and fats and prevent anemia and nerve damage
d. Vitamin B12 for red blood cell formation, helps metabolize fat, and nerve damage also protect the heart
e. Amino acids such as taurine to stimulate the growth of brain cells toddlers.
f. Iron
g. Protein fibers
h. Fluor meguatkan and healthy teeth for children
i. Zinc to help the work of enzymes and hormones
j. Iodine to prevent goiter

2. Nuts
Nut contain vitamin E, which high  enough. As we know that vitamin E is very good for skin health. Besides vitamin E, nuts also contain folic acid, minerals and amino acids orginine. Nut are one of foods which can prevent dementia disease because it is able to inhibit signaling causes damage to the brain, because the beans contain aplha-linolenic acid (ALA) and polyphenols (antioxidants). Nut which recommended to prevent dementia is a type of walnuts and almonds. Nuts are also rich in gamma-tosoferol, ie vitamin E which works works to prevent bad fat (LDL) that does not clot so it does not clog arteries in the body.

3. Apple
Fruit apple is fruit fairly popular by every person because it tastes which sweet and fresh. Did you know that the apples also including foods that can prevent disease dementia. Content of quercetin on the fruit apples can be protect the brain from free radicals which cause the emergence of alzheimer disease. Apples also can increase the intelligence of human brain because it contains asetikolin.

Dementia is a disease that is actually normal suffered by any person because of human organs would have experienced a period of wear / damage, including the human brain. Dementia very closely related to the human brain, so keep your brain from everything which can damage it. You can eat foods that are good for the brain so as to prevent or at least slow the dementia spread you. So that start to eat nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

That's all the information we could present, may be useful to you and thank you for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get the useful information for you all.