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Benefits Of Spinach For Body Health - Spinach is one of the most preferred type of vegetable and popular for many people, because in addition to fresh, spinach also contains a variety of nutrients and vitamins that are good for health. Vegetables originating from tropical America is known as one of the vegetables that contain iron, and has now spread throughout the world.

Spinach has a base color of green, and is divided into two kinds of spinach pluck and repeal spinach. Pluck spinach leaves larger and wide and can grow up to 2 meters, the young leaf spinach quotation is often used as vegetables. While repeal spinach smaller unplug both stem and leaves, and commonly grown for 25 days in order to be consumed. Repeal spinach is often used as a base for spinach amaranth.


Spinach contains many nutrients that are good for the body, including energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, fiber, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, phosphorus, and water. With these nutrients, it is natural if spinach very beneficial for the health of your body. On this occasion we will share information about manfaatbayam for health.

Here are some of the benefits of spinach for the body :

1. Lowering high blood pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is caused due to the strong blood in the arteries thereby necessitating the heart to work harder to circulate blood through the veins. Well for those of you with hypertension it helps you consume spinach as one of the best solution, because spinach contains potassium and low in sodium. Folate in spinach help lower blood pressure and relaxes the blood vessels, so the spinach can help blood flow to your body. Spinach also contains lutein, which is able to prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and reduces the risk of hypertension.

2. Maintain eye health
Healthy eyes require sufficient vitamin A, and spinach is one of the vegetables that contain enough vitamin A besides carrots. Your eyesight will be maintained properly regularly eat spinach, because spinach also contain lutein and carotenoids that protect powerful eye health from diseases such as cataracts.

3. Prevent cancer
Cancer can happen to anyone, because the cancer starts from free radicals in the body. Spinach is one of the vegetables that can prevent cancer due to vitamin A and C, fiber, folic acid and 13 flavonoids in spinach serves fight cancer cells. Spinach can ward off some cancers, especially cervical cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. So always include spinach in your diet everyday.

4. Prevent diabetes
Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is one of the deadly diseases caused by metabolic abnormalities. Spinach is a good vegetable consumed by people with diabetes, because spinach contains magnesium, which can help stabilize blood sugar in the body and prevent it from drastic fluctuations. Magnesium in spinach also able to prevent complications after developing diabetes. Spinach is best eaten by anyone.

5. Enhance the immune system
The human immune system is a defense system of the human body to protect the body from viruses, bacteria, parasites or other organisms attack. Why spinach can boost immunity? Because spinach contains vitamin A, C, E, D, and B which serves to keep the number of immune cells in the body so it is enough to tell the body when there is a threat of infection and quickly react to infection.

6. Prevent anemia
Anemia is a deficiency of red blood caused by the amount of hemoglobin (hb) in red blood decreased or were below normal. Hemoglobin serves to carry oxygen throughout the body. Spinach can help you avoid anemia because spinach contains iron. Iron helps regenerate red blood cells, so that oxygen will circulate smoothly throughout the body.

7. Prevent bleeding and osteoporosis
Spinach is very good to prevent bleeding and osteoporosis because spinach contain vitamin K that serves to freeze the blood, so avoid bleeding. Spinach also strengthens your bones because it contains phosphorus, copper, zinc, and magnesium which helps your bones retain calcium. If enough calcium in your bones then you will be free from disease osteoporosis (bone loss caused by calcium deficiency).

Nutritional content and benefits of spinach above should make you aware that spinach is a must for your vegetables. Spinach is also readily available besides very affordable price, so you should always consume spinach regularly maintained for your health.

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