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How To Cook Meat Correctly - Meat is one of the foods that most preferred by many people, because in addition to having a delicious taste, the meat also has some vitamins that the body needs. Definition meat was soft parts were wrapped in animal skin and bones attached to a food ingredient. Meat is composed mostly of muscle tissue, coupled with the fat attached to it, tendons, and cartilage.

In the world, there are many types of commonly consumed meats such as chicken, beef, buffalo meat, duck meat, horse meat, rabbit meat, and much more. When you want to eat meat you have to cook the meat in the right way, including when washing the meat, chop, boil, until the present. Before you eat meat, make sure that you perform that steps properly, so that the meat is healthy and soft.

How To Cook Meat Correctly

On this occasion we will share tips on how to cook meat correctly in order to the meat is healthy and soft. Here are the things that you must consider in cooking meat :

1. Wash Meat
Before you cook the meat, of course you have to wash the meat is to be free of dirt and bacteria attached to meat. However, when washing the meat, try to wash the meat under running water just because it would be more effective to clean the meat. Do not let your meat washing by immersion for too long, because it will make the meat tough and looks pale. The meat which good to eat is tender meat, because it allows you to chew it.

2. Meat cutting
Meat has a tough texture when still raw, like mutton, beef, buffalo meat, duck meat. The meats are tough and difficult to chew well known for having an enough fiber. Well in order after cooking the meat becomes soft, cut meat crosswise manner or against the direction of that fibers of meat so that the meat does not stick together when boiled so the meat becomes soft.

3. Before cooking meat
When you have finished washing and chopping meat, the next step is to boil / cook. But in order for the meat to be soft and easy to chew, before the meat boiled you should smear the meat with papaya leaves or grated pineapple. The aim is that the texture of the meat is tender and soft. The move comes just before cooking the meat.

4. Cooking Meat
The last part is boiling the meat. In order for meat to be soft after cooking, you have to know the technique. Put the meat while the boiled water is still cold, the aim is for the cooking water can seep into the inside of the meat. Do not let you put the meat when the water was already seething, because it will make the water can not seep into the meat. Generally, the longer the cooking meat is 30 minutes.

Well after you perform the steps above, when the meat was ripe you can process and present with a variety of menu offerings according to your tastes. Enjoy your meat dishes.

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