How To Cope With Hair Loss - Human hair is a crown which surely needs care to always looked beautiful and charming. Healthy hair is strong hair, good hair roots and stems. But not all of the hair is healthy and strong, because there are some problems which we often face hair, including split ends, hair loss or dandruff. This is what makes us uncomfortable because your scalp will itch.
Basically hair loss is associated with hair root, meaning that if your hair roots strong then your hair will not fall out. Cause of hair loss is very diverse, due to external factors and factors from within yourself. Hair loss usually occurs at certain times, for example when we are asleep, when shampooing, or when wearing a helmet / hat. But you do not worry because we will share tips on how to cope with hair loss naturally.
Actually nature provides us a variety of drug and antidote, it's just less aware of our own and know. Here are some natural ways to overcome hair loss that you can do at home :
1. Green tea
Green tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial for your body, and also as a way to cope with hair loss. Green tea contains antioxidants and panthenol, which are both very good for hair care. Panthenol is a source of provitamin B5 often used in hair care, as it could strengthen the hair roots so as not to fall out. Green tea can prevent hair loss, because the content in green tea may inhibit 5 alpha reductase, ie lines which scalp converts testosterone into DHT which causes hair loss. How green tea brewed with hot water, then let stand overnight. In the morning you can use it with the rubbing of the green tea into your scalp evenly. Then let stand until dry then clean it again.
2. Aloe vera
Aloevera plant is known as very good for hair care, and also to solve hair problems including hair loss. Why aloe vera good for hair? Because aloe contained in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are good for hair health. Aloe vera can nourish hair, thicken hair, and also prevents hair loss. Usage is very easy, just take the gel / flesh of aloe vera and rub the evenly on the scalp and massage. Allow to dry and then rinse with shampoo or clean water.
3. Candlenuts
Of course you often hear and see the candle in the kitchen spices, because the candle is one of the herbs commonly used in seasoning. But you know that candle can also be used to treat hair loss, because candle contain phosphorus and magnesium which serves to strengthen hair root so it is good to prevent hair loss. It's easy, ie crush the candle until slightly tender, then fried without oil. Stir it to prevent burning, then drain. Then crush fried candle already had until remove the oil. Rub the oil into your scalp evenly with a massage. Allow the oil to seep into the scalp, then rinse with clean water. You can do it twice a day for maximum results.
4. Celery leaves
Celery leaves which commonly used in cooking can cope with hair loss because celery contains calcium, iron, sodium, vitamins A and B. Therefore celery can trigger hair growth to be more healthy, shiny black, and strong so it does not easily fall out. The trick, blender some celery leaves mixed with beaten egg. Once evenly mixed, apply on the hair from root to tip evenly accompanied massage softly. Allow to dry and then rinse thoroughly. Perform routine 2 or 3 days.
5. Olive oil
Natural oils can help in overcoming hair loss, because olive oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent hair loss, and nourish the scalp. The content of vitamin E and unsaturated-fat acids can also stimulate hair growth. You can do this by heating the olive oil, then wait for it to warm slightly before applying it to the scalp. Apply to scalp evenly and slightly massaged. Allow to dry, or can use a shower cap, then rinse with clean water or shampoo.
Natural oils can help in overcoming hair loss, because olive oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent hair loss, and nourish the scalp. The content of vitamin E and unsaturated-fat acids can also stimulate hair growth. You can do this by heating the olive oil, then wait for it to warm slightly before applying it to the scalp. Apply to scalp evenly and slightly massaged. Allow to dry, or can use a shower cap, then rinse with clean water or shampoo.
Cope the hair loss in easy enough, but the results are not immediate, it requires a gradual process. If you want better you can use vitamin hair (conditioner) that are trusted available at beauty stores or salons. Good luck.
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You may read this article too : The Causes Of Hair Loss.
That's all information from us, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations.
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You may read this article too : The Causes Of Hair Loss.