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Symptoms Of Heartburn And Its Causes - Have you ever had heartburn? Of course it hurt, right? Heartburn is a disease that occurs because of injury or inflammation of the stomach, and cause pain, tenderness, nausea, and heartburn. Heartburn can happen to anyone, because the production of gastric acid increased. Increased stomach acid because of several factors, among them the late eating, irregular eating patterns, foods that raise excessive stomach acid (spicy foods, acidic foods) or because of the stress. When stomach acid increases, the patient will feel pain in the gut. Among several factors causing the heartburn, you should pay attention to is the diet and the food you consume.

Basically, ulcerheartburn can be divided into two kinds, ie acute heartburn and chronic heartburn. Acute heartburn is a reaction of the body against microorganisms and foreign bodies. That reaction is called inflammation. At the time of inflammation usually characterized by a burning sensation, swelling, pain, and acute organ dysfunction in the stomach, and usually limited to muklosa. Acute heartburn can occur at any time without known cause. While chronic heartburn is a reaction of the body against microorganisms and foreign bodies. The signs are a burning sensation, swelling, pain, and chronic organ dysfunction of a particular type of disorder, which causes gastritis of ie specific types of gastritis kronisa.


Whereas according to heartburn severity, divided into several kinds of which are mild heartburn  moderate heartburn, chronic heartburn  and gastric cancer are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, ie bacteria that live under the mucous membrane lining the inside of stomach wall. This bacterium causes an infection of the abdominal lining called gastritis.

Heartburn is characterized by several traits, including nausea and vomiting, pain during bowel movements, flatulence, often feel hungry, stinging pain in the abdomen and chest, and frequent belching. The cause of stomach heartburn are as follows :

  • Side effects from the consumption of certain drugs.
  • High stress level.
  • Irregular eating habits, such as eating late and eating excessive portions.
  • Consumption of spicy foods and excess acid.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Active smoking without nutritious food intake.
  • Presence of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

You can avoid heartburn by not doing some of the causes of heartburn in the top, and have a healthy life. Care about your body to meet the body's nutritional needs.

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