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How To Treat Canker Sore Most Effective - Canker sore is one of the problems often faced by many people, because when sores appear it will feel sore and sick. Canker sore usually on the inside of the mouth, either in front or on the side. Canker sore is a disorder that occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth, with the characteristics of white spots and sore to the touch. More women than men are potentially exposed to canker sore.

Canker sore could be caused by many factors, among them the lack of vitamin C, iron deficiency, allergies, hot foods and beverages, the mouth is not clean, the body is less fit, psychological factors, or it could also happen because bite wounds. People affected by canker sore definite difficulty with eating and drinking, because if the Canker sore is in contact with the food or the teeth will be sore and tender.


Even so, canker sores can be treated and cured in a way that is easy and effective. Here are some ways to treat canker sore :

1. Yogurt
To treating canker sores, you can eat yogurt that contains live acidhoplius. Yogurt that contains live acidhopilus will accelerate canker sores healing because it is able to stabilize the bacteria in the mouth. Eating yogurt may also prevent canker sores.

2. Foods that contain Vitamin B, C, and iron
One cause of canker sores is because a lack of vitamin B, C, and iron. To that end, consume food, vegetables, and fruits that contain these three nutrients. For example, mango, citrus, tomatoes, spinach, or other foods that are rich in vitamins B, C, and iron.

3. The brine
Salt content can absorb liquid on canker sores and accelerate wound healing. It's easy, gargle with warm water mixed with salt as much as three times a day. Wound fluid is absorbed by the salt will make the wound heal canker sores and dry quickly.

4. Baking soda
Baking soda can also be used as medicine to speed up the healing of canker sores. The way by put on wounds or canker sores that gargling with water mixed with baking soda. Baking soda can eradicate bacteria in the mouth to reduce pain and speed healing.

5. Traditional medicine
If you want to treating canker sores by traditional medicine, then you should use plum juice, aloe vera, hydrogen peroxide, grape seed extract, and tea tree oil (tea tree oil). Gargle by those materials to heal canker sores more quickly. Or you can also use as many as 5 pieces of basil leaves, chewed by then drink water. Another way is to put raw onion, papaya, or a tea bag directly into the wound canker sores. Although it will feel sore but it can speed up the healing of canker sores.

6. Coconut water
Coconut water can be used as an alternative medicine for canker sores, the way by rinse his mouth by the coconut water. Remember, do not swallow because the coconut water has been used to rinse out the bacteria from the mouth.

7. Turmeric
The turmeric which has been finely ground mixed with one teaspoon of glycerin. Mix them up to form a paste and apply on the wound canker sores.

Canker sores can be treated by some of the above without having to take medication from a doctor. But if the canker sores does not heal for 2 weeks - 1 month you should check with your doctor, because may be there is possible symptoms of oral cancer.

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