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The Best Sports For Pregnant Women - A pregnant woman will experience a change in attitude and body shape. Usually pregnant women will get tired, and when a young pregnant often experience nausea. Pregnant women are advised to stick to perform usual activities, only pregnant women should not experience fatigue because will affect the unborn fetus.

During 9 months of 10 days of pregnancy, a pregnant woman is required to meet the nutrient intake either for himself or for the baby. In addition to food intake, pregnant women are also encouraged to do some positive activities that are useful during childbirth, such as exercise. But pregnant women sport different from the usual sports (non-pregnant).

The Best Sports For Pregnant Women -

Well on this occasion we will share information about what sports are most suited and well done by women who are pregnant. Here are some sports that appropriate for pregnant women :

1. Walking
Walking should be done by pregnant women, because walking is not an exhausting sports but the benefits are huge. With a walk, a pregnant woman will has a strong immune system, a smooth blood circulation, and also strained muscle (not stiff). In addition, walking can also help pregnant women avoid stress before the birth. You can walk in the morning and afternoon by surrounding complex or park. If you feel tired then stop and rest.

2. Dance
Sport that also good for pregnant women is a dance, classical dance, ballet, or zumba. With dancing it will accelerate the blood circulation and strengthens your lower body muscles. That you must consider is, do not be too much bending. To do pregnant women dance, you can follow the special dance group of pregnant women who were trained by instructors who has been experienced, so as to reduce the risk.

3. Endurance exercise
A mother who is pregnant body resistance exercises allowed, provided it is not too heavy to lift weights because it can stretch the entire body joints. Also, do not hold your breath while lifting weights, because the pressure in the stomach will cause weakening of the core muscles (back muscles, abdominal muscles, and hip muscles). If you break it, it can cause rupture of membranes, raising blood pressure, reduced oxygen levels in the blood, and cause a hernia.
You can do this exercise for 3 times a week with duration of 20-30 minutes. According to a study at Michigan State University, pregnant women who exercise endurance will have a lower risk of developing high blood pressure, drastic weight gain and gestational diabetes. Once again, for your safety and comfort in doing resistance exercises should be accompanied by an experienced instructor.

4. Yoga
Yoga is best done by women who are pregnant, because yoga breathing exercise that can be beneficial at the time of delivery. By practicing yoga on a regular basis then it will seem easy childbirth. What should you avoid in doing yoga include: rapid motion, lying on stomach, sit ups, holding his breath, and lay on his back after entering the 20th week of gestation. Once again, you should join a community of pregnant women yoga guided by instructors who has been experienced in order to avoid a negative thing for you and the fetus.

5. Swimming
Swimming for pregnant women is very nice and helpful, because by the swim will improve endurance, control blood pressure, and can also relieve the pressure on the joints. But you should consider is, do not swim in a pool that is too hot, because fetus in the womb can not control the temperature in your uterus. Also do not jump into the water, but come down into the pool slowly. Swim you can do in the afternoon, when the water temperature in the pool was not too hot.

When you're pregnant, there are certainly a lot of new experiences and habits that you've never experienced before. A pregnant woman should also pay attention to the things that became dietary restrictions, and that you stay healthy fetus in the womb.

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