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How To Treat Hypertension Most Effective - Do you have a complaint with hypertension? High blood pressure or hypertension is commonly called a chronic medical condition with increased blood pressure in the arteries. This increase causes the heart has to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the veins. High blood pressure is a trigger for many deadly diseases, such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, aneurysm, or chronic kidney disease. Hypertension is caused by many things such as excessive cholesterol, a heavy burden of thinking, or because genetics.

Hypertension is difficult to detect except when you go to the doctor. However, patients with hypertension usually have a headache / dizziness, fast neck, vertigo, even unconscious. Despite this high blood pressure could prevented with a healthy lifestyle and proper food consumption. Start a healthy life from now on so that you avoid hypertension.

How To Treat Hypertension Most Effective

On this occasion we will share tips on how to lower high blood pressure which easy and accurate. Here are some ways to lower high blood pressure :

1. Sport
Sports is one of the essential requirements to lower your blood pressure. Because exercise can strengthen the heart so that it can more effectively pump blood, so the blood pressure in the arteries is not too high. Exercise is also very good to lose weight and reduce stress. So do not forget to exercise for a while in the morning or evening.

2. Meditate
Meditation can lower high blood pressure, because the body becomes relaxed meditation that can trigger the body to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a compound that helps open up the blood vessels so that blood flows smoothly and reduced blood pressure. Besides meditation can also improve your concentration and calm the mind.

3. Weight control
Excessive weight may be the beginning of a rise in your blood pressure, then you should keep your weight in order to ideal. How to measure your ideal weight is by way of your height minus 110. For example niko height 170, the ideal weight is 170-110 = 60 kg.

4. Stop smoking
Smoking can trigger a rise in blood pressure in your body, because the nicotine in cigarette smoke in and stick to your blood vessels, making blood vessels constrict. Stay away from cigarettes early on in order to the body is always healthy and free of hypertension.

5. Reduce fatty foods
The food that you consume enough influence on the blood pressure in your body, because fatty foods and cholesterol can clog arteries. Eat chocolate, peanuts, bananas, chili, every day in order to your blood pressure go down. Some foods are proven to reduce blood pressure in your body. Reduce foods that contain salt and should consume 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day for health. The amount reserved for adults. While the age of 50 years and above, are advised to consume a maximum of 1,500 milligrams of sodium.

6. Reduce caffeine and alcohol
Drinks were can trigger high blood pressure, among others, coffee and alcohol. Coffee contains caffeine which can clog the blood vessels, as well as alcohol. Reduce drinking coffee in large quantities, just once a day only. Avoid drinking alcohol because in addition to increasing blood pressure also cause other deadly diseases such as obesity, neurological disease, hardening of the liver, anemia, and others. Drink water because water can improve blood circulation, just 8 glasses a day.

If you have hypertension then you can do some of the tips above in order to your blood pressure is normal, and if not successful then you should consult a doctor. Start a healthy life from now on so as not to regret later on.

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