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The Causes Of Sweaty Palms - Humans palms and soles of the feet contour have thicker skin than other parts of the skin, because the skin on the palms and soles are thicker and there are fewer pores than the skin on the body. For this reason the palms and soles of the feet are rarely sweat. Symptoms of sweaty palms, also known as palmar hyperhidrosis. 

Palms and feet certainly will sweat, but intensitasnye rarer and less quantity. If you experience symptoms of palms sweat excessive and often, there may be some cause, some even say it is a heart disease. On this occasion we will share information about it, so you do not guess anymore.


Sweat which often out on the palm of the hand instead of a regular thing, and Is it Really That a symptom of heart disease? According to some medical studies mention that there are several reasons why palms are sweaty. Here is the cause of sweaty palms and feet :

1. Excess thyroid hormone
Symptoms of thyroid hormone excess is also called hipertioridism. Excess thyroid hormone means the thyroid gland produces excess of thyroid hormones, and this could result in your palms sweat. The thyroid gland is located on the front of the neck, near the Adam's apple. If you have excess thyroid hormone, usually you will also experience other symptoms such as a thin body, weight loss, anxiety, palpitations, hand tremors, shaking, not sleeping soundly, upper arm and thigh muscles felt weak. It would be a good idea to consult to the doctor if you experience these symptoms, and do not worry hyperthyroidism can be cured.

2. Anxious
Worry or anxiety is a an emotional response to the assessment that describes a state of worry, anxiety, fear, unrest accompanied by a variety of physical complaints. Anxious attitude is what causes the body's reaction will occur over and over again such as shortness of breath, palpitations, headache, feeling like a shit, and also sweating. At the time of anxious, your palms sweat too for sure, so this is not a dangerous thing.

3. Stressed and depressed
Stress is caused by the hostile environment and the burden of heavy thoughts and we can not face it. This condition is very influential in sweating, including on the palms of your hands. In times of stress and pressure, the nervous system is not aware of and did not function properly and the error signal is sent from the brain to the sweat nerves.

Well, basically the palms and sweaty feet is not anything harmful, as long as it does not occur continuously or without cause. If you have three of the above symptoms then you do not need to worry if your palms sweat. But to be clear and for sure, check with your general practitioner or a specialist heart, to find out if anything to do with heart disease. If your heart rate is normal and no symptoms of heart disease then it is a reasonable. Follow the advice of your doctor for your kindness.

That's all information from us, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations. 

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