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GALAKASA - How To Treat Phlegm Cough Naturally Most Effective - Cough is a disease that often we experience, both as children, young, adults, and old age. Cough is a defense reaction of the body over the respiratory disturbance. Cough may be caused by many factors, ranging from environmental conditions (especially air), because of the drug, asthma, sinusitis, or because of the influenza. Cough is a natural process that must be experienced by everyone, so you do not have to worry. Noteworthy is how long your cough is contagious. It is closely related to the type of cough and its treatment.

Cough can be divided into several types when seen from the level, ranging from mild cough, medium cough, or phlegm cough . Indeed, if you are exposed to cough it must be treated immediately so as not to cause other disturbances and do not interfere with your activities. Healing action in addition to the drug can you do, among others, by drinking enough water (8 glasses a day), avoid places/dusty, dirty environment, avoid cold place, and adequate rest periods. And it would be more effective if you also do natural healing with traditional ingredients/herbs.

How To Treat Phlegm Cough Naturally Most Effective

Well on this occasion we will share tips on how to treat phlegm cough naturally. Here are some ways about how to treat phlegm cough naturally :

1. Lemon
Lemon is very beneficial for the human body, especially for health. Lemon juice contains a variety of vitamins and substances that can be used to maintain health and cure several diseases including phlegm cough. As for treating phlegm cough with lemon, you can do the following steps :
  • Take a fresh lemon
  • Split into 2 or 4 parts
  • Squeeze the lemon and the juice collected in a spoon of water or glass.
  • Combine ketchup into the lemon juice.
  • If you do not like ketchup, you can replace it with honey.
  • Drink regularly 2-3 times a day until healed.

2. Ginger
Ginger is one of the horticulture crops that's beneficial to the human body. Ginger contains a substance that can warm the body and contain antibacterial substances. Ginger is an excellent drink for people with productive cough because warmth. There is now lot of ginger juice sold in the market. Well for you who want to treat phlegm cough naturally with ginger, perform the following steps :
  • Prepare a piece ginger and Kaempferia galanga/kencur.
  • Boil them with water, about 2 cups of water.
  • Boil until boiling and the water flow is reduced to about 1 cup.
  • Let stand for a moment and ginger and pour the boiling water into the glass with filtered fig.
  • Drink the water 2 times a day.

3. Betel leaves
Betel leaf has many benefits for humans and is believed to be very effective to treat some diseases such as myopic eyes and phlegm cough. Well, for you who want to treat phlegm cough  with betel leaves do the following steps :
  • Pick some betel leaves.
  • Add the ginger pieces.
  • Put it in 1 liter of water.
  • Boil until boiling
  • Let stand for a moment and pour into a glass filtered way, and drink it.
  • Do it at least once a day.

Traditional herbs has a variety of benefits and no side effects. Unlike chemical drugs that cause adverse effects on health, especially the health impact on the kidneys. You can do the above tips if you are exposed to phlegm cough. But hopefully you are always in good health.

That's all information from us about How To Treat Phlegm Cough Naturally Most Effective, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations. Dear good readers, if you judge this article is good and useful, please Like on Facebook or tweet on Twitter. Thanks a lot.

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