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GALAKASA Tea Benefits For Body Health - Tea is one of the favorite beverage drunk by many people. Tea has a delicious flavor, both sweet and bitter taste of tea as each has its own fans. Tea contains chemical compounds that are good for our health.

So what are the contents of tea? In outline, tea contains three major components that are beneficial for our health. Some content of tea are as follows :
  • Caffeine.
  • Essential oil
  • Polyphenols
  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamin C to improve imuntas / endurance.
  • Vitamin A for eye health.
  • Vitamin E for skin health.

Tea has plenty benefits to us, and we used to enjoy in the morning and evening while relaxing with family.


On this occasion we will share information about the contents of tea and its benefits for body health. The following are the tea benefits for body health :

Tea Benefits For Body Health :

1. For brain
The brain is the essence of man, because that is where the idea and our behavior. Tea can increase our alertness, improve brain performance, maintaining memory, reduces tiredness / fatigue, and many more. The research was conducted by scientists from the Netherlands.

2. Prevent and treat prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a common cancer experienced by men. With the green tea compounds contained in them would carry radioactive gold nanoparticles into the body resulting in cancer cells become dead. So as to reduce the tumor size to 80%.

3. Maintain and protect the health of the skin
Tea can nourish and maintain healthy skin because tea contains vitamin E. We know that vitamin E is a vitamin that is needed by our skin. For example, your skin burnt by the sun, then you can use green tea taped to the skin to heal burnt skin inflammation.

4. Good for diabetics
People with diabetes are advised to always drink tea every day, but sugar-free or low-calorie sugar.

5. Making blood pressure stabilized
Tea contains polyphenols which work to keep the blood vessels, so as not to shrink, so that blood pressure remained stable. The green tea can also prevent stroke and is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels.


There are many benefits of green tea and tea for our health. So do not hesitate to consume / drink tea every day, and would be even better if not too much sugar. That's all information from us about How To Treat Phlegm Cough Naturally Most Effective, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations. Dear good readers, if you judge this article is good and useful, please Like on Facebook or tweet on Twitter. Thanks a lot.

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