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Galakasa - 10 Foods That Cause Cancer - Cancer is one of the world's deadliest diseases. Cancer / vicious neoplasm is typical cell cycle abnormalities that cause uncontrolled cell growth (cell division beyond the normal limits). Uncontrolled cell will attack the biological network that is nearby, and were able to migrate to other body tissues via the blood circulation / lymphatic system. And did you know that every year, 12 million people worldwide suffering from cancer, and 7.6 million of them died. Actually, what causes cancer? One that can cause cancer in the body is the food we consume. At least there are 10 foods that cause cancer you should know. And we will discuss it at this time.


Reporting from Natural News, the cancer could be caused by some "unhealthy foods." All meals are frequently encountered, and may be we often eat them. Unhealthy food can be identified with the content contained in those foods. This means that could be due there are harmful chemicals that can trigger cancer. With or do not read this article, you must be careful in choosing foods to consumed. Not all tasty foods are healthy, although not all healthy foods are tasty. But you should pay attention to health factors as a primary consideration in choosing foods. Here are 10 foods that cause cancer :

Foods And Drinks That Could Cause Cancer :

1. Soda drinks
Soda drinks / carbonated beverages can cause canker disease. Why? Because in carbonated beverages containing sugar, chemicals, and dyes will make the body become acidic, and feed cancer cells. 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) and caramel coloring can trigger cancer.

2. Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils can change the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body that can cause some diseases such as cancer. Hydrogenated oil is often used to preserve processed foods, even though it was forbidden. We recommend that you replace hydrogenated oils with palm oil.

3. Fruits that contaminated pesticides
Not all fruits are healthy for consumption. Banana, apple, orange, strawberry, and etc are possible contaminated with pesticides. In a study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), found 98% of fruits are contaminated with pesticides. These pesticides can cause cancer. If you want to be safe, just buy organic fruits and pesticide free. 

4. Processed meat
There are some processed meats that can trigger cancer. Processed meat causes cancer is meats preserved with harmful chemicals, sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate. Both of them can increase the risk of colon cancer, and other cancers. If you want to buy meats, make sure the meat comes from animals who consume grass.

5. Genetically modified foods
Cancer can be caused by Genetically modified foods (genetically-modified organisms, GMOs) and the chemicals in it. Hazardous substances will accelerate tumor growth. Therefore, be careful in choosing foods.

6. Popcorn
How many times do you eat microwave popcorn? Did you know that popcorn wrapper pockets that baked with a microwave oven lined with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)? This substance is very dangerous to health and can lead to cancer, such as pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, testicular cancer, and infertility. This research was carried up by an EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

7. Diet foods
If you're on a diet, then you should be careful to choose diet foods. Why? Because according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), in many diet foods contained artificial sweeteners, such as saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, etc. These substances can cause cancer and birth defects risk permanent.

8. Refined sugar
Corn syrup containing high frutosa can accelerate the growth of cancer cells in the body. These types of sweeteners increase insulin levels quickly, so that the cancer cells will grow faster. Corn syrup is found in cereals, juices, sauces, soda, cake, cookies.

9. Refined carbohydrates
Did you know that consuming refined carbohydrates on a regular basis can increase the risk of breast cancer by 220%. The study is included in the journal Cancer Epidemiology. High glycemic index foods (GI) can also increase blood sugar levels quickly, triggering the growth and spread of cancer cells. 

10. Farmed salmon
Salmon is rich in omega 3 and varied nutrients. However, not all salmon is healthy. Because farmed salmon contain less vitamin D than wild salmon. In fact, farmed salmon are likely contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), flame retardants, pesticides, and antibiotics. The farmed salmon may cause cancer. This statement is based on the opinion of Dr.. David Carpenter of the University of Albany, USA.

That's all information from us about 10 foods that cause cancer. Hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations.
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