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GalakasaHow to remove stretch mark naturally can be the right choice for you. Stretch mark is stretching the skin tissue beyond the limit of elasticity. Stretch mark's common in some parts of the body, such as thighs, hips, stomach, and breast. Especially for pregnant women, stretch marks usually occur along with the growth fetus and weight gain. Stretch mark shaped like lines on the outer skin, and difficult to remove. Stretch mark can be very disturbing you, because besides affecting the appearance, also cause itching.

Stretch Mark

How to remove stretch mark naturally at this time is focused on using natural materials that are easy to get. Did you know that the human skin consists of 3 layers. Namely the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (middle layer), and the inner layer. Every people has differents skin type, such as sensitive skin, thick skin, thin skin, and others. Stretching  skin suddenly can cause stretch marks. This is due to damaged skin collagen. To assist you in dealing with stretch marks, so on this occasion we will share tips on how to remove stretch marks naturally. Hopefully what we provide can help you all.

Best Ways To Remove Stretch Mark Naturally :

1. Use egg whites and olive oil
The first natural way to get rid of stretch marks is using egg whites and olive oil. The combination of both is very effective for removing stretch marks. Egg whites can increase skin elasticity so powerful to get rid of stretch marks. The way is by smearing the egg white to the stretch marks spot, and then let it stand until dry. After that, smear it again with olive oil in order to skin becomes moist.

2. Potato
Potato, beside could be your diet, can also be used as a natural remedy to get rid of stretch marks. Potato can break down fats cause stretch marks, so yuo may try it as home remedies. Make mashed potatoes, then smear on the stretch marks, while slowly massaged. This way often used in many massage clinics.

3. Cocoa Butter
Damaged collagen can cause stretch marks. For that, you can use cocoa butter to remove stretch marks. Cocoa butter contains wheat germ oil and vitamin E that are high enough, so it can increase collagen production in the body. Apply cocoa butter with little massage on stretch marks.

4. Combination of sugar, almond water and lemon water
You can make scrub with mixture of sugar, almond water, and lemon water as a natural remedy stretch mark remover. This natural scrub is able to break down fat and eliminate stretch marks. Apply it on the stretch marks spot with little massage. 

5. Castor oil
Castor oil is one oil that is often used for skin beauty care. Castor oil can increase the production of collagen in the body, and increase the elasticity of your skin. Just apply/smear it on the stretch mark spot with slow massage. After that, let stand for about 15 minutes before cleansing. Nothing hard to remove stretch mark as soon as there is a will and efforts. You can try this at home, and hopefully your stretch mark removed quickly.

That's all information from us about how to remove stretch mark naturally. Hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations.
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