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Galakasa - Benefits Of Cycling For Body Health - Have you ever cycled in the week? Usually cycling is done during holidays, Saturday, or during Car Free Day (CFD), especially for office workers who work from Monday-Saturday. Cycling is a sport that is very good and beneficial for health, but it also can make us happy. Cycling is considered as a fun sport, even some bike club that was already exist, such as the BMX club, fixie, mountain bike, and so on.

If you like cycling, then it is good luck to you. Cycling is a recreational activity or sport, and is one of the modes of land transportation that use bicycles. Cycling turns so many benefits for the health of our bodies, because by cycling body will always move. Cycling is one form of a natural diet that we can do.


On this occasion we will share information with you all about the benefits of cycling for health. Here are some of the benefits of cycling for the health of our bodies :

1. Could increase stamina
Did you know that cycling can boost stamina? Cycling is one sport that is physically exhausting and stimulate the heart so that our stamina will be increased. We know that stamina can be increased due to sports. In addition to fun, sport will also make your stamina increases.

2. Could burn calories
You will surely nod if cycling can burn calories in your body. Yes, because cycling requires the movement of the body, especially the legs and waist. No wonder if cycling is used as one of the natural diet efforts. By burning calories it will automatically make our body slimmer / thin because fat is reduced. Still doubt to ride with your friends? I hope you do not doubt for cycling.

3. Making heart healthy
The heart is pumping blood throughout our body. With a healthy heart, blood flows smoothly into the body and we will be stay healthy. With cycling heart health will be maintained for those who are healthy, and will be healthy for the heart that has not been healthy. Cycling makes our heart beat so stable, so we would keep the heart muscle healthy / fit. You can bike to and from work to reduce 3-7% risk of heart disease.

4. Could reduce stress
Stress which we experience can be derived from the pressure of work, love affairs, or anything else. By cycling the stress that we experience will be reduced, because when cycling we can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery which may be rare to encounter. Some say that when we are stressed or emotional, looking at trees and the green rice field would make our mind calm and peaceful. That's the other side of cycling, in addition to healthy was also fun. Cycling can also add our confidence.

5. Could strengthen the muscles and nerves coordination
Cycling is a sport which requires us to always pedal by foot in order to keep the bike running. Well, by the pedaling leg muscles will work continuously and can also affect other parts of the body muscles. That way we will be maintained muscle strength and could get stronger. With cycling too, neuronal coordination can be better and makes us more focused because of movement of muscles in our body. 

Cycling is very beneficial for our health. Cycling can be done 3 times a week in the morning or evening, or even every day when leaving for work and home from work. Start a healthy life for a beautiful future. That's all information from us about benefits of cycling for body health, hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations.

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