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Galakasa - Sometimes we get used to things that can damage the health of our eyes. From waking until bedtime, we are always busy with various daily activities. Starting from lifestyle, diet, and anything else that is bad for eye health. Especially for eyes, there are some things that might often we do, and it can damage our eyes. At this opportunity we will share information about the 7 things that can damage the eye. If you want to keep your eyes healthy and functioning well, so do not miss this article.


Aware or unaware, the lifestyle we live is not necessarily good for the health of our eyes. For that, at least we should know what are things that can damage the health of our eyes. Eyes are our primary senses, to see the scenery, read the newspaper, watch movies, watch TV, and so on. After reading the following info, we hope that we soon leave bad habits and unhealthy and start a healthy lifestyle. The aim is to keep us healthy until elderly. So here are 7 things that can damage the eye.

Things And Habits That Could Damage Our Eye :

1. Unhealthy Foods Intake
What is your daily diet? Is it healthy for our eyes? Eyes need enough nutrients to keep it functioning well. Intake of unhealthy foods can make our eyes become damaged and not function properly. If the eyes are deficient in vitamin A and B-12, eyes are very vulnerable to the disease. For example, dry eyes terrace, night blindness, blurred vision, double vision, and blindness. To anticipate, consume food that is good for eye health. 

2. Excessive Alcohol Intake 
Did you know that alcohol can damage the eye? Yes, excessive intake of alcohol can be bad for eye health in particular, and body health in general. Alcohol may cause a decrease in visual performance, eyes redness, decreased contrast sensitivity, slow pupillary reaction, and migraine. So which one you choose, eyes stay healthy or drinking alcohol excessively?

3. Smoking
Smoking is a bad habit that you should leave immediately. Why? Because the cigarette contains harmful chemicals that can damage sensitive parts of the retina, the macula of the retina. Not only that, smoking also causes heart attacks, impotence, pregnancy disorders and lung damage.

4. Tired Eyes
Once again, eyes that too tired because of frequent use can damage the health of your eyes. Activities that use eyes as the primary sense continuous and excessive, will make the function of the eye is lowered. Play games, read a book in the dark, staring at the screen for hours, can make eyes tired and damage it..

5. UV Light
UV light during the day can cause eye damage. Sunlight can damage the lens of the eye, the retina, corneal burns, and increases the risk of cataracts. For that, you should wear sunglasses during the day while traveling and outdoor activities.

6. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is dangerous and can cause death. And did you know that diabetes can damage the health of the eye. If you are getting diabetes, the risk level of eye damage is higher. Diabetes can lead to glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is severe damage to the retina due to diabetes.

7. Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
Hypertensive retinopathy is damage to the retina caused by high blood pressure. High blood pressure can be very dangerous, if not treated promptly. Hypertension can damage the blood vessels in the retina. So how to treat hypertension effectively? Just click here to get details.

That's all information from us about 7 things that can damage the eye.  Hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations.

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