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Galakasa - Eyes are one of the five senses is very important for us. Without eyes, we can not see and watch the beauties in front of us. For that, maintaining eye health is a must in order to keep our eyes healthy and functioning normally. Have you ever thought, how many hours we watch TV? How many hours we stared at the screen? With heavy activity of our eyes, so our eyes need rest and enough nutrition. So what can we do to maintain the health of our eyes? Here, we will give you some tips to maintain eyes health naturally.


Maintaining eye health is actually very easy to do. Even you can do so at any time, and wherever you are. Because of the ways that we will give are very easy ways. Sports eye is the core of how to maintain the health of your eyes. Obviously accompanied by consuming nutrients for the eye. For more information and tips to maintain eyes health naturally, please read the following article carefully.

How To Maintain Healthy Eyes Naturally :

1. Eye exercises
There are several ways for do eye exercise with ease. Here are some types of eye exercise you can do: 
  • Rotate the eyeball. This way you can do by looking up, turn your eyeballs slowly 10 times clockwise and 10 times counter-clockwise. 
  • Massaging the temple areas with both thumbs. You do this by massaging the same direction 20 times, and 20 times in the opposite direction. Do the same massage in the middle of both eyebrows, under my nose, and under the eyes. Massage slowly.
  • Warm eyes. The way is by rubbing the palms of your hands until warm. Then paste the palms of both hands to your eyes for about 5 seconds. And you can do this way for 3 times. 
  • Training focus points. Use a ballpoint pen as the media. Lending a hand holding ballpoint pen then forward. Focus is looking ballpoint pen. Then bring the ballpoint pen into your eye at a distance of 12 cm. Then away again. Perform this for 10 times. 
  • Bed and lay your body, while closing your eyes for 3 minutes.

2. Sufficient intake of nutrients for the eyes
In addition to the eye exercises, you also need enough nutrition for eye with good foods for eye health. Some foods are good for the eyes include: 
  • Green vegetables, egg yolks, yellow peppers, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and carrots. They contain antioxidants. 
  • Onion and garlic. Both contain a lot of sulfur, Cysteine​​, and lecithin. 
  • Salmon, mackerel, cod, and sardines are rich in fatty acids. 
  • Foods that contain vitamin A, C, and E. 

3. Resting the eyes
Resting your eyes could be done with sleeping for 8 hours every day. Or you can stop staring at the screen for 10 minutes every 50 minutes. You can also put a thin cucumber slices over your eyelids. So how's your opinion? It's very easy right? You can do it everytime and everywhere.

That's all information from us about tips to maintain eyes health naturally.  Hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations. 
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