Galakasa - How To Overcome Leg Muscle Cramps - Have you ever had leg muscle cramps? Of course it was very uncomfortable, because it's difficult to walk. Cramping is a contraction that occurs suddenly in the muscle or muscle group, and very painful. Surprisingly, cramps often occur in a healthy person, usually when exercising. Cramps usually occur in the calf muscles and foot, so the foot and toes flexed. But, do you know what causes leg muscle cramps? According to various sources, there are several factors that cause leg muscle cramps.

Muscle cramps can be caused by several factors, including the followings :
- Lack of warm-up before exercising.
- Muscle contraction disturbed / damaged by acids or other damage to the muscle.
- Because dehydration.
- Decreased levels of salts and minerals in the body.
For anticipation to prevent muscle cramps, you could do warm up before exercise and drink plenty of water before exercise. But what if the leg muscle cramps already been? Can it be cured? Yes, there are several ways to overcome the leg muscle cramps. And you can read in the following article.
How To Overcome Leg Muscle Cramps Naturally :
1. Consume electrolytes
Leg muscle cramps can occur due to a lack of potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the body. And to overcome the leg muscle cramps as this, you can meet the need of calcium, magnesium, and potassium by drinking coconut water or eating banana. Both contain electrolytes that good for your health.
2. Cold sensation
Maybe you often see football players who stick ice cubes in the foot / calf after playing. What is the purpose of it? A researcher from the department of health behavior and nutrition from the University of Delaware, Michael Peterson said that the sensation of cold will stop the pain pathways in the muscles and reduce spasms in the thighs, calves, or legs. You can also overcome cramping in leg muscles by walking on the cold floor, and its purpose is almost similar to the stick the ice cubes on the cramping one.
3. Drinking pickle juice
Pickle juice is one medicine to overcome cramps naturally. In a pickle juice contained substance that can improve the neurological reactions and relieve muscle tension. Even, drinking pickle juice can cure muscle cramps in very quickly. The research is published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
That's all information from us about How To Overcome Leg Muscle Cramps. Hopely useful for ou and thanks for reading this article. Continue to refer Galakasa to get many urgent and interesting informations.
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